8 Different Types of Eczema

Eczema Types & Treatments

Eczema is a skin condition that affects many people, but there are many different types of eczema. In this article, we will explore 8 different types of eczema and what causes them. Knowing the different types of eczema can help you better understand your own skin and get the treatment you need.

There are several different eczema types, each with its own symptoms and treatments. Here is a brief overview of the most common types of eczema:

Eczema Type #1: Atopic Dermatitis

Atopic dermatitis is the most common eczema type, and it accounts for about 70 percent of all cases. Dry, itchy skin that may be red, blistering, or crusty is one of its symptoms. Treatment typically includes topical medications and often involves frequent use of moisturizers.

Eczema Type #2: Herpetiformis Dermatitis

A rare type of eczema known as eczema herpetiformis causes severe itching and blistering on the cheeks, neck, scalp, and upper arms. Treatment typically includes steroid injections and oral steroids.

Eczema Type #3: Nephritis Dermatitis

Eczema nephritis is also a rare form of eczema that affects the kidneys. However, Nephritis Dermatitis typically results in kidney failure. An autoimmune disease, a disorder in which the body destroys its own cells, causes it. Treatment typically includes medications to suppress the immune system and kidney dialysis.

Eczema Type #4: Palmoplantar Eczema

Eczema palmoplantar (eczema on the hands) is a type of eczema that mainly affects the palms and soles of the feet. It frequently goes hand in hand with allergies or other skin issues.

Eczema Type #5: Contact Dermatitis

Contact dermatitis is a skin condition that results from exposure to certain substances, usually chemicals. Common causes of contact dermatitis include oil and lotion residues on the skin, latex products, detergents, and other ingredients in cosmetics.

Eczema Type #6: Nummular Eczema

Nummular eczema is a type of eczema that occurs on the face, neck, and chest. The area may be red, inflamed, and itchy.

Eczema Type #7: Venous Eczema

This eczema type occurs in the veins. It is more prevalent in persons over 40, and it is thought that an imbalance in skin proteins is to blame. Treatment usually involves topical medications and/or autologous blood transfusions.

Eczema Type #8: Dyshidrotic Eczema

This eczema type usually affects the hands and feet. It’s caused by an overproduction of sweat, which leads to inflammation and irritation of the skin. Treatment usually involves topical medications and/or autologous blood transfusions.

Causes of Eczema

Eczema is a skin condition that causes dry, red, itchy skin. The most common risk factors for eczema include family history, dairy products, and stressful environments. However, there is no cure for eczema, but treatments can help alleviate symptoms. Eczema can be treated with topical creams and prescription drugs.

  • allergies
  • environmental factors, such as pollution and dust mites
  • stress
  • genetics
  • dehydration

Eczema can also be caused by certain medical conditions, such as atopic dermatitis (an allergic skin condition). It is important to speak with a doctor if you think you may have eczema. He or she can help to identify the cause and provide you with treatment options.

Treatment Options for Eczema

There are a variety of treatments that can be used to treat eczema. Few treatments are specific to certain types of eczema, while others can be used to treat both mild and severe cases.

Common Treatments:

Some of the most common treatments for eczema include topical creams, lotions, and ointments. Remedies are administered directly on the skin’s surface, and frequently work well to relieve symptoms. They can be expensive, however, so it is important to choose the right product for your specific needs.

Medications and Injections:

For mild cases, topical medications may be sufficient. However, more severe cases may require oral or injectable medications. In some cases, ultraviolet light therapy or thermal therapy may be necessary.

There is no one-size-fits-all treatment for different Eczema types, so it is important to consult with a doctor or dermatologist about which treatment is best for you.

Prevention Tips for Eczema

There are many ways to prevent eczema, and most of them involve keeping your skin healthy.

Keep your skin dry:

Moisture can cause eczema to flare up. Shower daily, use a moisturizer only when necessary, and avoid using a lot of harsh soap.

Use sunscreen every day:

Sun exposure can trigger eczema in people with the condition. Apply sunscreen liberally every day, even if you’re just going outside for a quick errand. Wear sun protection clothing, such as a wide-brimmed hat and sunglasses.

Avoid irritants:

Avoid contact with things that can cause your skin to break out, such as cosmetics, fragrances, and foods that are high in sugar or salt.

Eat a balanced diet:

A healthy diet includes plenty of fresh fruits and vegetables, whole grains, low-fat dairy products, and lean protein sources. Eating these foods can help reduce inflammation in the body and promote healthy skin growth.


If you are one of the millions of people who suffer from eczema, it’s important to know that there are a variety of treatments available. While many people find relief through topical therapies such as creams and ointments, others find that dietary changes or prescription medications work best for them. If you’re unsure which eczema type you have or if you need help finding the right treatment, speak with your doctor. In the meantime, read on to learn more about each type of eczema and how to treat it.

Pamela Foester

Pamela Foester is the beauty editor of Vogue Mag. She has a reputation for being a tough critic, but her readers know her to be incredibly honest and fair regarding their reviews, which is why she's earned such a large following.

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